Ideology and its necessity I
Developments are works of Principles and ideologies rather than of bayonets and are achieved first in the moral and afterwards the material spheres. In a civilized society a point is reached where the human mind is capable of appreciating and of comprehending the trend of evolution and also controlling it and thereby to some extent directing and speeding up the social progress. A need therefore, arises to appreciate and understand the underlying principles and ideologies, the stage of evolution, the course of development and the forces resisting the progress and development.
Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi once said;
"Progress itself upsets the status quo. It shakes people from the attitude of numb acceptance. It disturbs vested interest not only of the well to do but of vast numbers who although they went to better their lives, yet fear to depart from the familiarities of the known."
Development or progress has to be achieved every day for us always lagging behind, because after every step forward, we think we can settle down and enjoy it without further struggle. The battle of development is never done and the field is never quite. In his speech delivered in the Constitution Assembly 14, 1947 on the eve of attainment of Independence.
Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru said:-
"That future is not one of ease or resting but of incessant striving so that we may fulfill the pledges we have so often taken and the one we shall take today. The service of India means the service of millions who suffer. It means the ending of poverty and ignorance and disease and inequality of opportunities. The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye. That may be beyond us, but as long as there are tears and sufferings so long our work will not be over."
To have concentrated achievements we will have to organize our thoughts, direct them to definite ends in a positive mental attitude and back them by belief. If the enquiry constantly is "what will please the people" then there can be nothing, but temporary expenditure, fickleness and folly. A clear understanding is therefore required of principles and ideologies and the definite ends to which we have to reach.
Aruneshwar Gupta
Published in the magazine of Indian Youth Congress