Development is building through hard work
Development is not possible by destroying, breaking or pulling anything down, but it is possible only by constructing, and building up everything around. The house can be put in order by rebuilding it from its foundation. At this historical point of time we have reached a stage when certain persons are trying to blow up the very structure of political democracy which was so carefully and laboriously built up.
There can be no growth or development without effort and without energetic constructive activity. The achievement of every one and the nation as a whole will be commensurate with the sacrifice and input of each individual and the sum total of them all. Achievements are possible by formulating thoughts and ideas and putting them into action. Thinking is a process anterior to all actions and constructions; it is possible by unfolding of intuition and depends on the clarity of mind and integrity that one possesses. These ideas must be exposed to severe criticism so that they percolate into the mass mind and gain momentum by popular appreciation and become a live force, ready to be cast in the mould of action.
Ideas must be fought with fought with better ideas. The need is not of opposing, but of exposing; not of denouncing, but that of disproving by a full, consistent, reasoned and radical alternative. Reason can be fought with reason; however, one cannot fight the unreasonable. The unreasonable must be immediately and emphatically condemned, for it has no beauty in it.
The test of reasonableness and unreasonableness depends upon our known integrity, the small voice in the sub-conscious of every one of us. We must however, have the capacity and capability to face the hard reality. Reality cannot be faked undeserved cannot be given. The unreal has no existence the real never ceases to be. Destruction of a value which is, will not add value to that which is not. The businessman who wishes to capture the market by throttling a superior competitor, the artist who envies a rivals higher talent, a person craving for power though weaponry, are simply wishing facts out of existence and destruction is the only means of their wish. If they pursue and preserve it, they do not achieve a market, an immortal fame or a rational support. They will merely destroy production, and integrity.
Every body must get his due, and everybody will have to pay for what he gets. A system based on unearned rewards and unrewarded duties will cease to exist. Therefore, fake no reality and expose all frauds. Give birth to constructive ideas and put them in material shape. Education is the capability to think positively, and ability to put those thoughts into concrete action of nation building.
Aruneshwar Gupta
June 01, 1986