Hon'ble Justice Dr. A.S. Anand, CJI
On behalf of members and executive of SCAORA I propose this vote of thanks to all of you who are present here to make this evening a grand success. It is very easy to take the podium and say Thanks. But it becomes difficult if one wishes to say more and has no tact but only honestly.
We find greatest solace when we look at Honble Justice Anand, who has endeared himself to us all by his never failing kindness, consideration, knowledge of first principles, judicial integrity, tradition, heritage, culture and an honesty. An honesty to form opinion only after listening carefully and fully appreciating another possible point of view and always ready to change ones own, if so necessary.
This and many other factors have made him one of the most liked and great judges of Supreme Court. We hope to get more of his support, guidance and contribution in times to come.
Our sincere thanks to the Honble Chief Justice of India for always showering his blessings on the legal fraternity and particularly on SCAORA. One often wonders how he is able to get time, with so many activities around, for al the academic analysis that are build in his opinions, creating a solid rock for formation of Indian Jurisprudence.
My thanks to you all for your presence here and I sincerely hope that you have and will enjoy this evening to relieve strain and stress of the bustle and worry of Mondays and Fridays by some relaxation and he was a wise rhymester who penned the following lines:-
A little nonsense now and then is relished even by the wisest man.
Aruneshwar Gupta
Vice President SCAORA